I'm so so sad, yesterday Barcelona lost in front of Liverpool and we have been eliminated of the Champions league which is one of the badest things in the world. But I trust in this team and I think we are wanna win the League and the Cup¡¡This weekend there's Barça -Madrid and I hope we won the match and we start a victorious time. I hope that to shut up all the people who say that this team period it's finished and that things, now they don't remember what that team have given to us ( two leagues a Champions..) I think that is the better Team that I have ever seen and I trust a lot with them.
Now I want to talk about our society, I think that we are becaming mad¡¡¡Those people that are always criticizing the govern are causing all the problems¡¡¡ Now they are always criticizing what the Government have done with De Juana, what they want?? they want he to die in the prision?? then the criminals would be they¡¡¡ I know that those kind of people (like De juana Achaos) wouldn't do that for other people, but we have to be more than them¡¡¡¡¡I also think he wouldn't have to havd been punished for 12 years in prision for a think he wrote, for say what he thinks, I'm not agree with his opinion, but we have to respect all the opinions we are in a free society or not???¡¡¡Even thought I think that he would have to be all his life in prision if he have fulfilled his sentence, the law is the law.To finish say that those people who critize every day did the same when they were in the Government¡¡¡I think that we are paying the period of the Government of those people and his brilliniant ideas¡¡¡
Well I go to study because the course is being as stressful as always and the next week we are finishing the second term¡¡¡
I agree with you... ;) I didn't think you could write a large post like that! Kisss***
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